Explore our brands to see how they can help you in your journey

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Leather made to test the limits.

Roskin leather is made utilizng Jaeil’s silicone coating technology. Its smooth and silky texture in combination with its durable capabilities make Roskin the perfect sustainable leather for the leather industry. 

gauze, treatment, medical


Like it's not even there.

Focused on bettering the healing process and making it as seamless as possible, SilSkin brings a solution to feeling new again. From old scars to simple cover-ups, SilSkin lines can accomodate all covering needs.

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Quality and sustainability without compromise.

Procured from sustainable and extremely durable materials, Silicone Label’s heat transfer vinyls are one of the most sought after products by branding professionals. 

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our brands, please feel free to contact us at info@jaeilgroup.com